A positive image is desired by organisations and corporate social responsibility integrated in organisations is a strategy to achieving a reputable image. Arendt and Brettel (2010) confirmed that Corporate social responsibility has the ability to improve the attractiveness of the corporate image, improving the performance and effectiveness on their activities. Pomering and Johnson (2009) affirmed that a company's commitment to social responsibility will impact the customer evaluation of the company's image.
Vazifehdoust, Mojoudi and Jalalian (2014) investigated the effect of corporate social responsibility on company image, customer satisfaction and loyalty in the banking industry. They found that corporate social responsibility has a direct impact on perceived service quality and satisfaction, positive and the results indicate a positive impact of bank customer satisfaction on their behavioral and attitudinal loyalty. The results also showed that CSR activities can have a positive impact on the company's image. It seems that today's consumers are looking for companies that implement corporate social responsibility activities in their companies due to increased concerns of society toward environmental and ethical issues (Blomback & Scandelius, 2013).
Organisations understand the need to build a favourable corporate image and how their CSR activities can enhance a positive perspective from their stakeholders. Nwaonu and Ahamefula (2017) confirmed that various Factors such as: increased public awareness about corporate actions and issues, increased requirement for transparency, higher expectations by multiple stakeholder groups, word-of-mouth and online communication, customer’s personal experience with a company’s products and services, effect of the influence of opinion leaders, growth in interest groups and increased attention from media have all contributed to the importance of assessing and actively managing a company’s reputation.